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Spring Cleaning is the hot topic of organizers this time of year. Rightfully so, Spring symbolizes new life. Plants, trees and fields begin to grow and blossom and it is a great time to revise and edit our homes through cleaning and decluttering. It is rejuvenating on many levels.

I have been procrastinating on writing this blog post for weeks. I did intend on writing about spring cleaning and organizing but I am going to share some personal struggles that I am working on.

First of all, I find spring to be glorious. I begin to feel the weight of the winter months shedding. But often in winter I find myself tucking in like a turtle, wanting to hide from day to day interactions. That includes our home, but painfully also includes family and friends. And yet, I tend to live in a bit of distress each winter.

I have been feeling the need to revise myself so I no longer feel that chronic winter struggle. So, I have decided to ask myself some questions and figure out, who do I want to be? How do I want my husband, sons, family and friends to think of me? Not as an unhappy, unavailable, crabby person. Maybe, part of it is turning 50 this year, or a 26-year marriage, or witnessing my children become adults, or watching my parents and the beauty and hardships that aging entails.

Isn’t life interesting that with the longer hours of sun light, the smell of rain and sight of vegetation, I too want to blossom and rejuvenate. I find myself turning to strong, introspective woman both in my life, through blogs, books and pod casts.

What I have decided is this:

I want to live in grace. Let things go that are not intended for me. A lifelong friend said to me recently, “Stay in your own lane.” I am choosing to live a happy and joyful life. I am choosing to embrace moments. I am not going to decide why someone else responds or handles things a certain way. I do not know their story. I can only know mine and in those moments, I choose grace. It is not easy, it is a continual work in progress, a day to day decision but I choose to live in grace and I choose to be happy.

I am going to rejuvenate my spirit and love life.

Organizing and smiling,




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